WoSTP (Women of St. Peter’s), formerly the Altar & Rosary Society, invites all adult women of St. Peter's Parish to become members of this special ministry. Join us as we celebrate long friendships and begin new ones in our mission to promote the spiritual life of the women of the parish, to promote true Christian charity, the love of God, our neighbor, and Christian family life, to foster love for the house of God and to labor for its care and adornment.
We have a few upcoming events and we would love to see you there!
Membership registration and dues ($10) are accepted anytime. Cash payment (along with contact information) or check can be submitted in an envelope through the Mass collection, through the parish office or directly to Sharon Mohler, Treasurer. Registration and dues are also accepted through our parish website Online Giving.
Please join us, all women are welcome!
Our Mission
It is the mission of the Women of St. Peter’s to promote the spiritual life of the women of St. Peter’s Parish,
to promote true Christian charity, the love of God, our neighbor, and Christian family life,
to foster love for the house of God and to labor for its care and adornment.
Women of STP Board
Maura Nulton, President
Becky Flores, Vice President
Mary Jo Saviano, Treasurer
Kathy Maenle, Secretary
Elizabeth Ong, Communications
Mary Kay Clune, Membership
Audrey Massey, Meeting Coordinator
Kathy Jantsch, Special Events/Program
Nancy Calvano, Beautification
Barb Haden, Linen
Kristi Carney, Baptismal Bibs
Upcoming Events
December 21-Christmas Church Cleaning