Irish Fest Volunteers Needed!
If you are over the age of 21, the Knights need YOU as a bartender for the St. Peter's Knights of Columbus KC Irish Fest beer tent. The 2024 KC Irish Fest is Friday, August 30-Sunday, September 1 at Crown Center. It's lots of fun and the live music is great!
Those couples celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary in 2024 (1/1/24 to 12/31/24) are invited to a special Mass to be celebrated at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception on Sunday, Aug. 25 at 11am, followed by a reception. Please register by emailing Meaghan Cisneros or call the parish office 816-363-2320. If you are celebrating but cannot attend the Mass, the diocese would still like to recognize you--please contact Meaghan.
If you follow STP on social media, you have seen the pictures! For a $25 donation, PTA volunteers will fill your friend's yard with plastic flamingos, which will remain for 24 hours. All proceeds benefit St. Peter's School. All families--parish and school--are invited to take part but hurry! All orders must be placed by Aug. 12!
We are excited to welcome Fr. Raphael Obetia as our associate pastor. Hopefully, you have seen him at Mass already. We will have a photo and some getting-to-know-you details soon, but in the meantime ask a favor on his behalf. Fr. Raphael needs a car, so if you are selling one, or perhaps know someone with a car available, please contact the parish office, 816-363-2320.
A Round For Brian needs some helping hands on Friday, July 26! ARFB is a golf tournament which celebrates the life of St. Peter's alum Brian Euston and benefits St. Peter's School & Rockhurst High School. Please see the Signup Genius with volunteer opportunities.
St. Peter's Lecture Series Continues Tuesday, July 23 at 7:30 pm in the narthex. Our speaker will be Joe Heschmeyer, a nationally recognized author, blogger, and podcaster, who regularly speaks all over the country as a featured Catholic Apologist. He will be presenting an open lecture on "The Uniqueness of the Catholic Eucharist" and what sets it apart from other faith traditions. This event is free and open to the public.
Our Next Senior Lunch will be Wednesday, July 3rd at St. Therese Little Flower Senior Center, 5814 Euclid Ave, KCMO. All are welcome! Doors open at 10:30am.
Engaged couples who wish to marry at St. Peter's are asked to attend an orientation meeting to learn more abut the process. We have one of our bi-monthly meetings coming up on Saturday, July 13. Please email Meaghan Cisneros to let her know you are coming, and fill out our registration form.
St. Peter's School has a few openings for this fall. We are looking for a 3rd grade teacher, a youth ministry director, and substitute teachers. Come join our amazing team!
The next meeting of the Men of St. Peter's is Tuesday, May 14. The Men of St. Peters get together monthly on the 2nd Tuesday for fellowship and faith formation. The group gathers in the Narthex at 6:30pm (after 6:00 Mass) for food and drink, listen to a guest speaker followed by hearty discussion. Our group ends at 8:00. Please join us!
St. Peter's Next Blood Drive is Sunday, July 14, 9am-2pm in the McKay Center Gym. Appointments are preferred but walk-ins are welcome! Schedule your appointment HERE.