For over 30 years, St. Peter's has enjoyed a sister parish relationship with San Francisco de Asis Parish in El Salvador. Come and learn more about that relationship, and discuss ideas for energizing that ministry, including a potential delegation trip. We will meet at 7pm on Wednesday, May 29 in the narthex.
St. Peter's alum and professional singer Colin Safley will perform a concert at St. Peter's Church on Friday, June 7th at 7:30pm, featuring selections from both opera and musical theatre. Admission is free but goodwill donations will be accepted. A reception will follow the performance.
Summertime is one of the busiest times of the year in St. Peter's food pantry. Please keep the pantry in mind when you are grocery shopping; click for a list of staples we can always use.
Save the date! A Round for Brian! Fore-teen is Friday, July 26th at Royal Meadows Golf Course. A Round for Brian Golf Tournament celebrates the life of St. Peter's alum Brian Euston and benefits St. Peter's School & Rockhurst High School, two places that were so special to Brian and still are to the Euston family.
Seniors, please join us on Thursday, May 23, for our next VIP luncheon. Appetizers at 11:30am in the narthex, followed by lunch at noon. Bring a friend!
Please plan to join us on Sunday, May 19 to thank our choirs for the their hard work and beautiful music as many of them go on hiatus for the summer. We will have donuts, juice, and coffee in the narthex after the 9 & 11am Masses.
Increase is a prayer and fellowship opportunity for couples struggling with infertility. We will meet on Saturday, May 18, and start with confession at 9:30am, Mass (10am), followed by a witness, prayer in small groups and lunch. Bring your spouse or just yourself. Don’t face infertility alone! RSVP and questions: [email protected].
Honor the Mothers in Your Life With a Flower! The St. Peter’s Respect Life Committee will have carnations available after all Masses this weekend in honor of Mother’s Day. Donations will be accepted in support of Birthright for those who wish to present a carnation to their Mother, Grandmother, or Wife.
We are planning a special evening for our final Eucharistic Revival Night of the spring. It will be on Saturday evening, June 1, 7-8:30pm and will coincide with the Vigil of Corpus Christi, the feast day that celebrates Christ's real presence in the Eucharist. We hope you will join us for an evening of praise, worship, witness, and adoration.
BEHOLD KC is a free, public outdoor event that will include Mass, confession, nationally recognized live musical talent, local choirs and the largest Eucharistic adoration opportunity in our city in more than 80 years. It is being hosted by the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph and the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas on Saturday, May 4, 4-9:30pm on the north lawn at the National World War I Museum and Liberty Memorial in Kansas City.
Please note, diocesan parishes, including St. Peter's, will not be having Masses on Saturday, May 4th to encourage attendance at Behold KC at the Liberty Memorial that afternoon/evening.
Share the gift of life! Blood Drive this Sunday at St. Peter's: 9am-2pm in the gym. Appointments are preferred but walk-ins are welcome! BONUS--donors will receive a $10 e-gift card and a box of Girl Scout cookies!
All women of the parish are invited to the Women of STP luncheon this Sunday after the 11am Mass. We will enjoy Cinco de Mayo inspired food and drink, install new officers, and raffle this beautiful hand-painted folk art. Please join us!