Join us for a Lenten Shrimp Boil on Friday, Mar. 22, 5-7:30pm. Food will be served in the cafeteria; seating will be indoor and outdoor in the south lot, weather permitting. $15/adult, $6/kids K-8, under K free, $45/family. Please RSVP!
We will be cleaning the Church on March 23, 9am-Noon, in preparation for Easter. Any time you can spare that morning would be helpful. Many hands make light work! Sponsored by the Women of STP.
St. Peter's Seniors, you are invited to a St. Patrick's Day enjoy lunch with the St. Therese Little Flower Seniors at their Senior Center, on Wednesday, Mar. 13, 11am. We will be back at St. Peter's for our April luncheon.
Our next Eucharistic Revival Night is Thursday, Mar. 7 at 7-8:30pm. The evening will consist of a witness from a St. Peter's parishioner, praise and worship music, prayer teams, Eucharistic Adoration, and opportunity for the Sacrament of Confession. Draw near the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist at this special night of prayer.
Blood supplies are critically low! Make your appointment for St. Peter's next Blood Drive, Sunday Mar. 10, 9am-2pm in the McKay Center. Presenting donors will receive a free Chiefs shirt.
When you give something up for Lent, consider taking something on. Use this simple 40-day guide to try one act of kindness per day during Lent: kindness toward others, ourselves, and our world. If you can't do something every day, try one or two per week. It's easy to do as a family!
Beginning Feb. 16th, St. Peter's will host a meatless potluck after Stations of the Cross each Friday. Stations will be at 5:30pm, followed by a meal in the narthex. Bring the whole family, plus a dish to share.
St. Peter's is forming small faith communities for youth grades 6-12 for Lent. Small communities are a chance for kids to learn, talk, and explore their faith in a comfortable setting, guided by adult mentors. Communities will be small, single sex, age-based, and will meet at a place and time chosen by the group.
The Women of St. Peter’s are offering a variety of Lenten booklets and Word on Fire Reflections 2024, available after Masses on Feb. 11th and 18th. Please visit the table in the Narthex and pick up a prayer guide to assist you during your Lenten journey. Donations will be accepted.
All women of the parish are welcome to join us for our quarterly membership meeting and lunch in the Narthex following 11am Mass. We will have good food, an update from our various committees and some fun activities. Bring a friend or come on your own to join us!
The Men of STP will meet at 6:30pm on Tuesday, Feb. 13 in the narthex. This month, they will continue a series of lectures and discussions on the Eucharist. All men of the parish are invited!
We will have a Ministry Fair after Masses on the weekend of Feb. 17-18. (Donut Sunday after 9 and 11am Sunday Masses) We hope you will stop by the narthex and check out all the exciting things going on at St. Peter's. No pressure to sign up for anything, just come and learn about the life of our parish!
St. Peter's Seniors are invited to join friends at St. Therese Little Flower for lunch on Shrove Tuesday, Feb. 13, 11am (this will be in lieu of our monthly VIP lunch at St. Peter's).