Get your team together and register for the annual Holey Hooley Golf Tournament, scheduled for Friday, Oct. 6 at Swope Memorial. Sponsorships are also available. It's all fore the kids! Click for link.
WSTP (Women of St. Peter’s) invites all women of the parish to its upcoming membership meeting and luncheon on Sunday, Sept 10 in the narthex after the 11am Mass. Please join us!
The Eucharist is the "source and summit" of the Catholic life. Presence: The Mystery of the Eucharist explores the truth and beauty of Christ's real presence in the Eucharist, from its origins in Sacred Scripture to its profound role in the life of the Church and her members. The study will run for 4 weeks in September on Thursday mornings, 9:30-11am. Click here for more signup info.
Students are invited to bring their backpacks to the 9am and 11am Masses Sunday, Aug. 20th, for a special blessing. Please join us in offering prayers of encouragement, wisdom, and safety for all students. (Backpacks are optional.) Donuts, juice, and coffee will be served in the narthex after Mass.
The August VIP Lunch will be hosted by our friends at St. Therese Little Flower Parish, 5814 Euclid KCMO, on Wednesday, Aug. 30, 11am-3pm. CLICK HERE for more details.
St. Peter's Knights of Columbus will host the Annual Sally Euston Texas Hold'em Tournament on Saturday, August 26 in the Narthex. (Registration at 6:30 p.m., play 7-Midnight). Don't miss it! Click for more details.
Did you know....that except for weekly mowing by a lawn service, STP campus beautification is all maintained by volunteers? Look around—the Landscape Maintenance Committee does an amazing job, but they need help! Help Needed: Planter/Designers and Zone Managers They are looking for people with an eye for planting and design, as well as zone maintenance coordinators (the campus is divided into care zones) and a committee chair to lead volunteers and coordinate seasonal campus cleanups. Please contact Mary Hellings for more information.
This past spring, a campus-wide evaluation was conducted by Strategos International, experts in the field of safety and security for schools and churches. Please click here to read the key findings and recommendations from that assessment, which will guide us through the next phase of the Centennial Campaign. We also plan additional in-person presentations; please watch your email for details.