The Keys is a youth choir for children in grades 3-8. (Grade 2 by special permission) Dr. Helena Vasconcellos (Dr. V) is returning as director and is eager to get the kids all back together. Rehearsals will be Thursdays after school 3:30-4:45 p.m. Starting Sept. 1.
You are invited to a capital campaign volunteer organizational luncheon Sunday, Aub. 28 at 12:15 p.m. in the narthex. There are lots of ways you can help with the upcoming campaign; come and learn about all the volunteer opportunities.
Registration is open for the 2022 Holey Hooley Golf Tournament, scheduled for Friday, October 7 at Swope Memorial Golf Course. Get your team together and signup! 10:00am Registration/11:00 Shotgun Tee Off, $150 per golfer includes green fees, cart rental, tournament t-shirt, boxed lunch, dinner and drinks.
St. Peter's Knights of Columbus will host the Annual Sally Euston Texas Hold'em Tournament on Saturday, August 27 in the Narthex. (Registration at 6:30 p.m., play 7-Midnight). Don't miss it! Get $500 in free chips with payment by Aug. 22. Click Here for more info.
We are excited to invite our VIPs (Vintage Parishioners) for a luncheon on Thursday, Aug. 25 in the narthex. Refreshments and appetizers at 11:30 am, lunch served at noon. All seniors of the parish are invited; bring a friend!
Children are invited to bring their backpacks to the 9 and 11 a.m. Masses this Sunday, Aug. 21, for a special Backpack Blessing. Please join us in offering prayers of encouragement, wisdom, and safety for all students. (Backpacks are optional.)
HURRY! THE REGISTRATION DEADLINE IS MONDAY, AUGUST 15! Family Faith Formation is a new program at STP focused on supporting your family on its faith journey. It is available to all families with children PreK-6th grade and provides a way for parents to participate with their children as they learn about the Catholic faith. Family Faith Formation replaces the Parish School of Religion and is required for families with 2nd graders planning to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Communion.