This Christmas season, our 8th graders are continuing a St. Peter’s tradition – Poinsettias! Not only do the Poinsettias enhance holiday décor, they also make wonderful gifts for friends, family members, and co-workers. Please place your order no later than Nov. 14.
We're kicking off the PTA Fall Trash Bag Sale. Orders may be placed via the Google Form through Friday, November 4th, and then may be picked up between 3 and 4 pm on Friday, November 11th or anytime thereafter in the school lobby during office hours. Anyone who orders 10 or more rolls earns free delivery within five miles of STP!
We have 3 more sessions scheduled to share information about the upcoming Centennial Campaign. Please join us! All events will be held in the Narthex. Wednesday, October 26, 11:30 a.m. Sunday, October 30, 12:15 p.m. Thursday, November 3, 6 p.m. The sessions on Oct. 30 and Nov. 3 will feature Tyler Hiatt, architect with the Rose Design Group. Tyler will discuss proposed projects in greater detail and will present concept drawings.
We are excited to welcome back a fun fall tradition, the Cultural DIversity Bazaar, on Saturday, Nov. 5! We are looking for families or individuals to host a table and share about your culture or a country near and dear to you. You can bring items for show and tell, serve an easy snack--use your imagination. We are also looking for performers to do short presentations on the gym stage. This is a super fun event!
IT'S BACK! We will once again have our one-day Cranksgiving Food Drive on Saturday, November 19 in the McKay Center Gym. It's a Food Drive on two wheels! The day will start with KIDZ Cranksgiving at 10:30 and adult riders at noon. We’ll have food, refreshments, music and prizes. Help support the largest food drive on two wheels. Your support will help us provide Thanksgiving and Christmas meals to our neighbors in need. Save the date and stay tuned for details!
October is Respect Life Month--Please join us for these events: Donuts for Diapers, Sunday Oct. 16-join us for Donut Sunday and donate diapers, month-long Diaper Drive-continues throughout October, Living Rosary, Sunday October 30-to be prayed together outdoors on the front steps of the Church(weather permitting).